The Performance Management Eye Chart — Part III

The Ineluctable Impact of Leadership and Cultural Engagement

Today’s obscure but incredible word is ineluctable.  To define, something which is ineluctable is something which cannot be avoided, changed, or resisted: inevitable.  To use it in a sentence: “Given the business practices of past management, disappointing results proved ineluctable.”  Or this sentence: “Once the Hospital’s leadership adopted the Eye Chart Tools and followed through with the recommended courses of action, success was ineluctable!

Good leadership affects every aspect of operations, including the patient experience, employee morale, and financial results.  Top-performing HealthCare organizations work hard to get it, get more of it, and improve that which they do have.

A study by Success Profiles in July, 2010, examined the leadership performance and cultural engagement index scores of 104 healthcare systems throughout the United States.There were 42 organizations that had below-average leadership and engagement index scores. The collective average percentile ranking was at the 39th percentile. Those same organizations had a collective average Care Ranking at the 25th percentile (nationally calculated and ranked by the Commonwealth Fund and

There were 62 organizations that had above-average leadership and engagement index scores. The collective average percentile ranking was at the 68th percentile. Those same organizations had a collective average Care Ranking at the 89th percentile.

The Ineluctable Performance Eye Chart!

Business units that perform in the top quartile of all their peer organizations enjoy tremendous advantages over those which perform in the lower quartiles.  For example, research, such as this finding from Gallup (2009), showed that the median gaps in performance gains between Top-Quartile business units and Bottom-Quartile business units were as follows:

  •   12% in customer satisfaction ratings
  •   16% in profitability
  •   18% in productivity
  •   25% in turnover (for high-turnover organizations)
  •   49% in turnover (for low-turnover organizations)
  •   49% in safety incidents
  •   27% in shrinkage (theft)
  •   37% in employee absenteeism
  •   41% in patient safety incidents
  •   60% in quality outcomes.

Success Profiles is an expert in measuring and presenting performance information clearly and completely so that actions based on the visual data are timely and effective.  Put it to work for you!