How long past 65 will you work: Where are the next leaders?

Looking for new ways to improve the performance of your leaders? Join Healthcare Performance Solutions for a free Webinar on the “Coaching Adults in a Professional Setting.” There will be two times to conveniently meet your scheduling needs. Click on the links below to sign up and join us to learn how to turn the odds of success in your favor.

Tuesday Mar 13th – 12:00 -1:00pm (EST)

Click Here to Register

Thursday Mar 15th – 2:00 – 3:00pm (EST)

Click Here to Register

The Leadership Void

83% of today’s leadership positions in Healthcare are between the ages of 35-55.  By 2020 these numbers will change drastically.  Demographics don’t lie.  Eventually the Baby Boomer generation will look to retire.  The total number of potential leaders will NOT be large enough to fill the vacancies of the retiring Baby Boomers.

As seen in the graph below, there will be significantly fewer experienced leaders in the workforce in the near future. This will lead to a competition for this demographic.  The workers that are supposed to be taking over leadership positions will not be ready.  What will happen to your organization?  How will you make up this shortfall?  How long will your current leaders hang on?  How long will you hang on?

The old process was to put people in jobs, give them a chance, and weed out those who couldn’t face the pressure or handle the responsibility.  This laissez-faire leadership development model is broken if the leadership pool is shrinking faster than you can discard marginal candidates.

Structured talent management and superior business practices are the only demonstrated ways to survive this certain leadership void.  Succession Planning should be the result of disciplined Talent Management programs.  Changing tactics to adopt a structured program that will build a Succession Planning Roadmap is going to give your organization a measurable competitive advantage in the challenging dynamics of the Healthcare industry.  Those that grasp these structured concepts will reap the competitive rewards of the early adapter and thrive while others around them wither.

From finding, to hiring, to developing the right leaders so they are available for your organization when you need them, structured talent management that results in pro-active Succession Planning is a superior approach.  Based on measurement, fore-thought, and incisive action, it will dramatically improve your Healthcare organization’s performance as a business.

Healthcare Performance Solutions has a full suite of tools, featuring the industries finest in visual presentations.  The full suite forms a “GPS-like” array of measurement tools that give leaders precise and actionable information about their departments and leaders.  The measurements and resulting actions culminate in our structured and powerfulSuccession Planning Roadmap.

Improving the health of healthcare one organization at a time is our core purpose.  But our business is about people as well as their performance.  So we add on experienced executive coaching to our products.  We believe in the value of coaching and that it improves a leader’s performance, in turn increasing your organizations odds of success.

Visit us on-line at to learn about the Eye Chart tools, performance measurement, 100 Day Leadership and Management On-Boarding, Compelling Coaching Conversations, and the Succession Planning Roadmap.

Read any or all of our blogs at

Or give us a call.  We are the most affordable and effective performance and talent management company in Healthcare.  We will help you be successful.

Transparency Challenges for Leaders — How You Can Be More Effective

Looking for new ways to improve the performance of your leaders? Join Healthcare Performance Solutions for a free Webinar on the “Coaching Adults in a Professional Setting.” There will be two times to conveniently meet your scheduling needs. Click on the links below to sign up and join us to learn how to turn the odds of success in your favor.

Tuesday Mar 13th – 12:00 -1:00pm (EST)

Click Here to Register

Thursday Mar 15th – 2:00 – 3:00pm (EST)

Click Here to Register

Transparency is a powerful, energizing concept.  Sharing information with transparency to all stakeholders is critical when creating a “Healthy” culture.  Incorporating a healthy culture adds to a company’s performance and life expectancy much like living a healthy lifestyle. Logically, a “Healthy” Culture” that demonstrates ownership thinking and behavior can provide better and more consistent care within healthcare organizations. The culture can create the value equivalent of 4% to 12% positive net operating margin in most cases.

Top 10 examples of “Healthy” cultural business practices include:

1. Open and transparent communication
2. No “secrets” rumor environment
3. Constructive dialog
4. High trust, collaboration
5. Effective delegation
6. Innovation
7. Coaching focus for development
8. Structured approach to talent appointment
9. Compelling sense of purpose/mission
10. A passion for exceptional service and caring

However, not all information handled by leaders is designed to be shared with everyone.  It can be uncomfortable by nature when the news is not good.  There may be challenges in deciding where to balance discretion with honesty, and there can be challenges with where you draw the line (how transparent).   In other words, one of the critical factors to consider when sharing information is deciding exactly who the stakeholders are.

In almost all cases, hiding facts, even nuances, from Senior Leadership can have disastrous consequences for both the far-reaching decisions that result, and also personally for the confidence lost in your ability to accurately frame executive decisions.

And you must tell subordinate leaders, who are the lifeblood of an organization, when they could be doing better or the organization’s performance will stagnate and suffer. One crucial feature of healthcare is narrow operating margins.  In such an environment, a company-wide difficulty with honest, constructive feedback can literally spell the difference between success and failure.

Objective measurement can be a frightening thing for people to hear, especially in public, when they are used to hearing they “look marvelous”.  It can be difficult for an organization to constructively manage without dysfunction, especially as they move from an opaque culture to one of translucency and then to transparency.

For example, it could be quite chilling to conduct a climate survey and then provide the entire company with the information as to who complained about what.  Presenting some information as if from a blind source can improve harmony especially if leadership acts on the issue as a serious concern without regard to or appearance of trying to find a source to “blame”.

Information about the relative performance between departments is very important for senior leadership to hear.  However, that same information, if released to a general audience, could hurt morale and further erode performance if one of those departments was struggling.

Individual performance results are best shared with supervisors, the individual leader or employee, and senior management.  It is not necessary for everyone to have access to this personal data as long as enough leadership is involved to ensure there is a consistent standard across the organization.  The exceptions are, naturally, when it is appropriate to praise someone for a job well done. Then you can’t have too many people around to hear this news.

Business practices assessments should be shared openly with everyone.  An honest assessment of the organization’s performance and where it is positioned with respect to competitors in its field, especially when embarking on a campaign to move up in those very rankings is fair to share across the entire company, to initiate a sense of competition and teamwork.  This kind of communication can bring almost a joyous sense of camaraderie to an organization.  You can just imagine the impact that would have on employee engagement.  The company’s vision, purpose, and performance, as a whole, against these public yardsticks are also valuable to share broadly and transparently.

Tools that are powerful in their ability to communicate, can be powerfully motivating and potentially discouraging.  Choosing the right stakeholders with whom to share this information must rest on what decisions need to be made and the impacts of the decisions.

Every one of Healthcare Performance Solutions’ tools is about the visual display of quantifiable information.  Since the power of our approach is “Visual” – it makes transparency “easier” when you decide to share it.

Click here to read about how our tools can improve transparency with judgment. 

Visit us on-line at or  Read any or all of our blogs at

Or give us a call.  We love to talk about you!

The Leadership and Management On-Boarding Road-map — Part II

Assuring Success in the First 100 Days of Appointment
Part II

“You never get a second chance to make a first impression.”


The 100 Day Leadership On-Boarding Road-map to Success is a structured approach to leadership and management on-boarding that addresses a common dilemma in Healthcare today.   With the increasing financial, job complexity and business model challenges that healthcare will face as the industry navigates the changes within the Affordable Care Act, it is imperative that the leadership and management appointment rate success be higher than 60%.  Best practice organizations that have a structured approach to talent management have success rates that exceed 75%.  This gives them a significant competitive advantage

Success Profiles leadership and management “on-boarding” process provides the structured road-map and game plan blueprint for all “New” leaders and managers to follow. The overall process incorporates a combination of diagnostic tools, leadership assessments, goal prioritization steps, milestone timelines, action-planning functions, coaching plans, and performance metric determination and resource needs.

We invite you to learn about our 100 Day Leadership On-Boarding Road-map to Success during an easy-to-attend Webinar on Tuesday, 14 Feb at 12 Noon EST and again on Thursday, 16 Feb at 2PM EST.  To attend, simply contact any of our staff, or use one of the links below to register. This webinar will also be used as refresher training for those who have already had the initial training.

Join the 14 Feb Webinar by clicking here:

Join the 16 Feb Webinar by clicking here:

If these times are full or inconvenient, please contact us at Success Profiles or me directly at  I will work with you personally to schedule another time for you.

Example of the 100 day Leadership and Management Game Plan

Who needs this Road-map?
New Leaders.

Who is a New Leader?
     A leader is “New” if they are:

  • New to the organization or campus (from the outside).
  • New to the position (manager, director, VP or executive).
  • New to the function (department or service line).
  • New to the responsibility (e.g., going from managing 3 departments to 5).
  • New to all four.

People First!

  • The “New”leader/manager must work to establish positive, trusting relationships with all the leaders in their network and the staff in their respective departments.
    • When they connect with the people within their span of responsibility, everything they do going forward will be easier – if they don’t, everything will be harder.
    • An agreement on how to make a first impression to build trust with superiors, peers, direct reports and staff.  The “cultural fit” game plan to win respect and support.
      • An understanding, agreement and “cascade alignment” of the performance expectations established by the organization, the senior leaders and immediate supervisor.

The new leader’s supervisor must establish The Coaching Relationship:  A person that has an existing relationship with their respective coach (immediate supervisor) has a real advantage in achieving a more successful on-boarding process.  People who have worked together usually have an understanding and appreciation of a person’s behavioral style, practice discipline habits and tendencies.  Our research has shown that when people at or above the Director level of leadership struggle or fail, the majority of the time it’s related to their ineffective behavioral style. The on-boarding game plan provides the structure, timetable and scripted discussion topics for people to more effectively work together as a team to solve their most difficult challenges.

The coaching process also takes into account the status of the “New” leader/manager.  The most difficult scenario is where the organization has selected a leader from “the outside” who is not only new to the organization but new to the position, new to the function and new to their responsibility.  In this case, the establishment of trust, respect, and an appreciation of communication style is critical for leaders and managers to work through making the most difficult decisions.  There is a special section contained within the coaching plan to explore and assess a leader and manager’s preferred behavioral style.

Learn the process, teach the process.  A huge attribute of 100 Day Leadership On-Boarding is its Transferability:  The methodology designed into the leadership and management on-boarding process is relatively easy for any organization to adopt.  There is no special software to install, firewall security concerns and there are on-demand tutorials to assist people with every aspect of the process. The entire suite of leadership performance and talent management tools are interconnected and game plan development applications are linked within the Microsoft Office program of Excel.

Leadership and management on-boarding and coaching is not a competency that should be outsourced to a consulting or service firm.  It is much more of a “high touch” vs. a “high tech” process where relationships and personal interactions take priority over the diagnostic assessments, game plan forms and assessment tools.

The benefits of this process are:

  • Assuring proper alignment for every leader and manager for their relative odds of success before their appointment, which helps avoid managers becoming immediately “over-leveraged” (getting in over their heads).
  • Increasing the consistency of road-map and blueprint game plans for everyone “New” (either appointed into a leadership role and/or for those that are existing leaders that are taking on increased responsibilities).
  • Game plan alignment with mutual developed expectations, performance targets, priorities and resources needed, where all challenges are openly discussed and options for solutions are explored.
  • Providing the structured timetable and planning tools for meetings and coaching sessions at the critical milestones within the first 100 days.
  • Enhancing the coaching relationship so that significant issues and challenges can be openly discussed in a safe and trusting environment.
  • Connects to leadership/professional development content and resources (articles, video clips, and individual assessments)
  • Connects to integrated performance measurement scorecards, performance management systems, individual behavioral style assessments, personalized coaching plans, and succession planning road-maps.

“Prescription without Diagnosis is considered Malpractice.”

The 100 Day Leadership On-Boarding Road-map adds purpose, structure, and human concern to the first days of every new leader’s role in your organization.  It can truly

Assure Success in the First 100 Days of Appointment

If possible, please join us for the webinar, if not visit us on-line at

Give us a call!  We love to talk about you.

The 100 Day Leadership On-Boarding Road-map

Assuring Success in the First 100 Days of Appointment
Part I of II

“You never get a second chance to make a first impression.”

Success Profiles introduces an effective tool to improve success in Healthcare organizations.    We have worked with Healthcare leaders to develop a structured approach to leadership and management on-boarding that addresses a common dilemma in Healthcare today.   Overall success rates for people appointed into a new leadership or management role in Healthcare is approximately 60%.  The number for those people that are new to their respective organization and role is even lower.

The Need:  With the increasing financial, job complexity and business model challenges that healthcare will face as the industry navigates the changes within the Affordable Care Act, it is imperative that the leadership and management appointment rate success be higher than 60%.  Best practice organizations that have a structured approach to talent management have success rates that exceed 75%.  This gives them a significant competitive advantage

We invite you to learn about our 100 Day Leadership On-Boarding Road-map to Success during an easy-to-attend Webinar on Tuesday, 14 Feb at 12 Noon EST and again on Thursday, 16 Feb at 2PM EST.  To attend, simply contact any of our staff, or use one of the links below to register. This webinar will also be used as refresher training for those who have already had the initial training.

Join the 14 Feb Webinar by clicking here:

Join the 16 Feb Webinar by clicking here:

If these times are full or inconvenient, please contact us at Success Profiles or me directly at  I will work with you personally to schedule another time for you.

Help your Executives be more Effective

Healthcare executives (VP’s) can spend around 70% of their time managing the bottom quartile-performing departments.  Most, if not all, of those appointments could have been avoided if the organization had the practice discipline to avoid over-leveraging their leaders/managers and if the organization had a consistent formal approach to on-boarding new leaders to more assure their success.

Success Profiles leadership and management “on-boarding” process provides the structured road-map and game plan blueprint for all “New” leaders and managers to follow. The overall process incorporates a combination of diagnostic tools, leadership assessments, goal prioritization steps, milestone timelines, action-planning functions, coaching plans, and performance metric determination and resource needs.

“As goes the decisions that leaders make and the success they achieve in their first 100 days, so goes their performance over the long term.”

Example of large format version of the 100 day Leadership and Management Game Plan

The Critical Milestones @ 10, 30, 30, 30 (100) Days: The process, assessments and game plan development allow for the automatic scheduling and review of progress along the timeline of the first 100 days.  The initial assessment phase and preliminary game plan development includes the first 10 working days (2 weeks), followed by an update after the next 30 days, 60 days and 90 days.  A final game plan is created at the 100 day milestone for guidance over the remaining 9 months of the first 12 months of the appointment.  If the assignment or increase in responsibility includes a “turn-around” of a low performing department/function, coaching sessions can be scheduled more frequently (at one and two week intervals or as needed).  People may elect to use the on-boarding process, diagnostic tools, game plan development and coaching functions every year at the beginning of their annual planning and budget planning cycles.

“The likelihood of a new manager executing on a successful game plan is directly proportionate to the mutual development of a formal plan and on the consistent/periodic follow up coaching sessions within the first 100 days.”

The Game Plan Development: For a leadership/management on-boarding plan to have high probability of success, there are several elements that must be mutually agreed upon by the newly appointed leader/manager and their immediate supervisor/coach.

  • An agreement on how to make a first impression to build trust with superiors, peers, direct reports and staff.  The “cultural fit” game plan to win respect and support.
    • The “New”leader/manager must work to establish positive, trusting relationships with all the leaders in their network and the staff in their respective departments.
      • When they connect with the people within their span of responsibility, everything they do going forward will be easier – if they don’t, everything will be harder.
      • An understanding, agreement and “cascade alignment” of the performance expectations established by the organization, the senior leaders and immediate supervisor (hard metrics).
      • An understanding and agreement with the leadership effectiveness and cultural – engagement expectations established by HR (the PMEC and TMEC soft metrics).
      • An accurate and objective diagnosis of the “as is” state of performance when the new leadership/management assumes responsibility (from high performing to “a turnaround”).
      • A mutually agreed upon list of priorities and action items (think who first, then what).
      • A realistic timeline to achieve the desired performance outcomes.
      • The authority to make day to day decisions.
      • The resources to be successful (capital, staffing, tools/equipment, physical space etc.)
      • The ability to establish the “direct report” leaders reporting up to the new leader/manager.
      • The ability to make staffing decisions with disruptive employees that could be negative, pessimistic and unwilling to change/adapt to the new standards that are established.
      • The flexibility to change and adjust the game plan based upon potential changing conditions, dynamics and assumptions.
      • A protocol of how the newly appointed leader/manager and their respective coach (immediate supervisor) are going to disagree so that they can work through crucial conversation

The 100 Day Leadership On-Boarding Road-map adds purpose, structure, and human concern to the first days of every new leader’s role in your organization.  It can truly

Assure Success in the First 100 Days of Appointment

If possible, please join us for the webinar, if not visit us on-line at, or give us a call!  We love to talk about making you more successful.

Success Profiles appears in the new book, Success Simplified


Simple Solutions Measurable Results

Mark Twain once apologized to a friend for sending him a long letter by saying “I didn’t have time to send you a short one”.  Of course he meant he was writing to his friend as he thought, instead of taking the time to edit his thoughts, and especially not to test them for practicality.  Success Profiles wants to tell you about a new book from Insight Publishing written to help leaders also short of time, but who are serious about the subject of success.  “Success Simplified” is a terrific series of interviews from Insight Publishing, in which some of the most distinguished business thought-leaders have distilled their thoughts into useful, tested, and practical advice.  These revealing shortcuts to success are led off by Success Profiles with Tom Olivo’s “Leadership Alignment and Getting the Right People in the Right Roles.”  Tom’s remarkable concepts prove leaders are the key to success and they are far more likely to be successful when they are put in the right roles.  His analysis is backed up by 25 years of hard performance measurements of thousands of leaders across industry, most notably in healthcare.   Success Profiles would be proud to help simplify your success.

Tom Olivo, Success Profiles, Inc.

Tom Olivo, through Success Profiles, has measured the performance of more than a thousand organizations and developed a database of business practices that include more than 30,000 individual business units.  He co-authored the 2003 business best-seller, “Impending Crisis”, and is today one of the premier experts in practical and applied measurement for business performance.

Concepts featured in Success Simplified…

  • There several common denominators of success among athletes and business executives.
  • When coaching people for any endeavor, there is a simple structured approach that leads to the most consistent desired outcome. Continue reading