The Leadership and Management On-Boarding Road-map — Part II

Assuring Success in the First 100 Days of Appointment
Part II

“You never get a second chance to make a first impression.”


The 100 Day Leadership On-Boarding Road-map to Success is a structured approach to leadership and management on-boarding that addresses a common dilemma in Healthcare today.   With the increasing financial, job complexity and business model challenges that healthcare will face as the industry navigates the changes within the Affordable Care Act, it is imperative that the leadership and management appointment rate success be higher than 60%.  Best practice organizations that have a structured approach to talent management have success rates that exceed 75%.  This gives them a significant competitive advantage

Success Profiles leadership and management “on-boarding” process provides the structured road-map and game plan blueprint for all “New” leaders and managers to follow. The overall process incorporates a combination of diagnostic tools, leadership assessments, goal prioritization steps, milestone timelines, action-planning functions, coaching plans, and performance metric determination and resource needs.

We invite you to learn about our 100 Day Leadership On-Boarding Road-map to Success during an easy-to-attend Webinar on Tuesday, 14 Feb at 12 Noon EST and again on Thursday, 16 Feb at 2PM EST.  To attend, simply contact any of our staff, or use one of the links below to register. This webinar will also be used as refresher training for those who have already had the initial training.

Join the 14 Feb Webinar by clicking here:

Join the 16 Feb Webinar by clicking here:

If these times are full or inconvenient, please contact us at Success Profiles or me directly at  I will work with you personally to schedule another time for you.

Example of the 100 day Leadership and Management Game Plan

Who needs this Road-map?
New Leaders.

Who is a New Leader?
     A leader is “New” if they are:

  • New to the organization or campus (from the outside).
  • New to the position (manager, director, VP or executive).
  • New to the function (department or service line).
  • New to the responsibility (e.g., going from managing 3 departments to 5).
  • New to all four.

People First!

  • The “New”leader/manager must work to establish positive, trusting relationships with all the leaders in their network and the staff in their respective departments.
    • When they connect with the people within their span of responsibility, everything they do going forward will be easier – if they don’t, everything will be harder.
    • An agreement on how to make a first impression to build trust with superiors, peers, direct reports and staff.  The “cultural fit” game plan to win respect and support.
      • An understanding, agreement and “cascade alignment” of the performance expectations established by the organization, the senior leaders and immediate supervisor.

The new leader’s supervisor must establish The Coaching Relationship:  A person that has an existing relationship with their respective coach (immediate supervisor) has a real advantage in achieving a more successful on-boarding process.  People who have worked together usually have an understanding and appreciation of a person’s behavioral style, practice discipline habits and tendencies.  Our research has shown that when people at or above the Director level of leadership struggle or fail, the majority of the time it’s related to their ineffective behavioral style. The on-boarding game plan provides the structure, timetable and scripted discussion topics for people to more effectively work together as a team to solve their most difficult challenges.

The coaching process also takes into account the status of the “New” leader/manager.  The most difficult scenario is where the organization has selected a leader from “the outside” who is not only new to the organization but new to the position, new to the function and new to their responsibility.  In this case, the establishment of trust, respect, and an appreciation of communication style is critical for leaders and managers to work through making the most difficult decisions.  There is a special section contained within the coaching plan to explore and assess a leader and manager’s preferred behavioral style.

Learn the process, teach the process.  A huge attribute of 100 Day Leadership On-Boarding is its Transferability:  The methodology designed into the leadership and management on-boarding process is relatively easy for any organization to adopt.  There is no special software to install, firewall security concerns and there are on-demand tutorials to assist people with every aspect of the process. The entire suite of leadership performance and talent management tools are interconnected and game plan development applications are linked within the Microsoft Office program of Excel.

Leadership and management on-boarding and coaching is not a competency that should be outsourced to a consulting or service firm.  It is much more of a “high touch” vs. a “high tech” process where relationships and personal interactions take priority over the diagnostic assessments, game plan forms and assessment tools.

The benefits of this process are:

  • Assuring proper alignment for every leader and manager for their relative odds of success before their appointment, which helps avoid managers becoming immediately “over-leveraged” (getting in over their heads).
  • Increasing the consistency of road-map and blueprint game plans for everyone “New” (either appointed into a leadership role and/or for those that are existing leaders that are taking on increased responsibilities).
  • Game plan alignment with mutual developed expectations, performance targets, priorities and resources needed, where all challenges are openly discussed and options for solutions are explored.
  • Providing the structured timetable and planning tools for meetings and coaching sessions at the critical milestones within the first 100 days.
  • Enhancing the coaching relationship so that significant issues and challenges can be openly discussed in a safe and trusting environment.
  • Connects to leadership/professional development content and resources (articles, video clips, and individual assessments)
  • Connects to integrated performance measurement scorecards, performance management systems, individual behavioral style assessments, personalized coaching plans, and succession planning road-maps.

“Prescription without Diagnosis is considered Malpractice.”

The 100 Day Leadership On-Boarding Road-map adds purpose, structure, and human concern to the first days of every new leader’s role in your organization.  It can truly

Assure Success in the First 100 Days of Appointment

If possible, please join us for the webinar, if not visit us on-line at

Give us a call!  We love to talk about you.