Coaching Guide — 10 Point Checklist


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10 Step Coaching Guide

10 Step Coaching Guide Whitepaper

1. Assess the person’s demonstrated talent or leadership ability

Success Profiles  categorizes demonstrated leadership ability as A, B, C, or D.

An A player is a leader who is successful at what they are doing, have been successful in the past, and very likely to be successful even if suddenly placed in a more demanding job.  They are skilled, dependable, consistent, energetic, and expansive.  By expansive, we mean they teach and inspire others to also be successful. By transferring their talents, they become a true force multiplier for your organization.

The B Leader is also successful but not as over-the-top as the A player.  They may take some grooming before being ready for the next step.  They may not be quite as consistent as the A leader, or as imaginative.  They may need a little more supervision, but there is nothing wrong with their ability or their dedication and they are likely to be successful in all but the most demanding situations.

The C Leader has significant issues in some areas of performance, but can, and often overcomes them, especially in easier situations.  With more direct supervision, they can be completely successful in smaller jobs, or have good moments even in difficult situations, although preferably that would not be a long term solution for the organization.

The D Leader is a leader who only shows glimpses of leadership ability, even with constant supervision.  They are usually only a successful leader when their leader is essentially doing his job for him by constantly feeding him ideas, alternatives, and guiding his performance on a short leash.  This leader can be successful in an easy job.  They are highly likely to fail in a difficult job and at all times are a significant source of concern for the senior leader.

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Success Profiles appears in the new book, Success Simplified


Simple Solutions Measurable Results

Mark Twain once apologized to a friend for sending him a long letter by saying “I didn’t have time to send you a short one”.  Of course he meant he was writing to his friend as he thought, instead of taking the time to edit his thoughts, and especially not to test them for practicality.  Success Profiles wants to tell you about a new book from Insight Publishing written to help leaders also short of time, but who are serious about the subject of success.  “Success Simplified” is a terrific series of interviews from Insight Publishing, in which some of the most distinguished business thought-leaders have distilled their thoughts into useful, tested, and practical advice.  These revealing shortcuts to success are led off by Success Profiles with Tom Olivo’s “Leadership Alignment and Getting the Right People in the Right Roles.”  Tom’s remarkable concepts prove leaders are the key to success and they are far more likely to be successful when they are put in the right roles.  His analysis is backed up by 25 years of hard performance measurements of thousands of leaders across industry, most notably in healthcare.   Success Profiles would be proud to help simplify your success.

Tom Olivo, Success Profiles, Inc.

Tom Olivo, through Success Profiles, has measured the performance of more than a thousand organizations and developed a database of business practices that include more than 30,000 individual business units.  He co-authored the 2003 business best-seller, “Impending Crisis”, and is today one of the premier experts in practical and applied measurement for business performance.

Concepts featured in Success Simplified…

  • There several common denominators of success among athletes and business executives.
  • When coaching people for any endeavor, there is a simple structured approach that leads to the most consistent desired outcome. Continue reading